
The contents on this blog are intended solely for educational and not-for-profit purposes within my classes. Every effort is made to attribut anything that is reproduced or quoted in the blog to its original source and provide links wherever possible.

Any thoughts, opinions and/or statements are those solely of the author and its contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Santo Domingo Bilingual School.


Monday 18 May 2015

Art attack!

Next Friday we will visit a very special place in Madrid: El Museo del Prado.
It is the main Spanish national art museum, located in the city centre. It contains one of the world's finest collections of Eurpean art, dating from the 12th to the 19th century. El Prado is one of the most visited sites in the world and it is considered on of the greatest museums of art in the world.                                                          Source: Wikipedia
Take a look by clicking on this link: Audioguías Infantiles Museo del Prado
We will find lots of surprises in the Museum! Don't miss it!

In the meanwhile, why don't you create some masterpieces yourself? They may end up in a Museum!
Make a Dragon puppet!
Design a Pirate Map!
Look for much more creative ideas on the Art attack website! *Thanks Unai for the suggestion!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Means of communication

We communicate all the time. When we read, write, speak, watch TV, use the computer or move our bodies, we communicate ideas and feelings.
                                                                                                      Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
We use different means of communication for contacting other people, finding information, having fun or learning.
                                                                                                         Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Interpersonal communication happens between two people:
Collective communication means that lots of people receive information at the same time.
I am sure you have heard a lot about the internet. The internet is a network of millions of computers connected to each other. Watch this video to learn more about it!
It contains a lot of information, but we need to use it properly. We find information on the internet using a search engine.
                                                                                                 Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
It is very important that children always use the internet under their parents supervision because it can be dangerous. Remember these rules!
Are you ready for some games? Have fun!
Label the words
What are they doing?
Learning to use the internet

Thursday 14 May 2015

Means of transport

We have learned a lot about means of transport:
There are road vehicles and trains that travel on land.
Some of them move on roads and motorways,
 but trains move on railway lines. You can get a train at the train station.
Ships and boats sail on seas, oceans, lakes and rivers.
You can get on a ship at the port. Some ships also carry goods. Others are used for catching fish.
If we go to the airport, we can take a plane and travel by air. This is the fastest mode of transport.
We use means of transport to carry passangers and goods. However, some vehicles, planes and boats have special uses:
                                                                                                         Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Would you like to know more? Watch the next video!
And now that you are an expert on means of transport... try these games!
Interactive board game
Transport memory game
Spelling game
Guess the mistery word
Balloon burst
All about trains!
Spin the coin!
How do you come to school? I take the underground every day, as I haven't got a car.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Word of the day: Symmetry!

In our Arts and Crafts class we have been working on buildings that are symmetric, that is, that they look the same on both sides. 

This photo of the Taj Mahal in India demonstrates the beautiful symmetry architects and engineers used to create an aesthetically pleasing building. (Taken from this blog).

But not only buildings can be symmetric. Watch the next videos and listen to the song to learn more about symmetry!
Not all the buildings are symmetric, though. In contemporary architecture, assymetry is considered beautiful too! Take a look at the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao by the architect Frank O'Gehry.