
The contents on this blog are intended solely for educational and not-for-profit purposes within my classes. Every effort is made to attribut anything that is reproduced or quoted in the blog to its original source and provide links wherever possible.

Any thoughts, opinions and/or statements are those solely of the author and its contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Santo Domingo Bilingual School.


Monday 23 February 2015

Day and night

Have you ever wondered why there is day and night? Take a look at this video!
Click on the next links for more information and games!
The Earth and beyond
Earth, Sun and moon
Day and night

 Day and night are caused by the spinning of the Earth:

 The seasons are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun:
Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Good night!

Monday 2 February 2015

Animal habitats

Different animals live in different habitats. Some of their habitats are very hot. Others are very cold. Some have lots of plants, or very few.
Animals adapt to their habitats. Watch this video and learn how!
Most land animals and plants live in rainforests:
 Few animals live in deserts. The weather there is very hot during the day and very cold at night time.
 Few animals live also in polar regions. It is so cold...brrrrrr...there is snow and ice everywhere!
 Many animals and plants live in forests. They can be cold and rainy or warm and dry.
Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Use these games to practice!