
The contents on this blog are intended solely for educational and not-for-profit purposes within my classes. Every effort is made to attribut anything that is reproduced or quoted in the blog to its original source and provide links wherever possible.

Any thoughts, opinions and/or statements are those solely of the author and its contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Santo Domingo Bilingual School.


Saturday 2 April 2016

Animal classification - Vertebrates

Mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish all have something in common - they all have a backbone.
 Here are the basics on each group.

                             Source: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/classification/kc_class_again.htm

Practice what you have just learned with the next games!
Animal Characteristics game
Living things machine
Find the animal thief
Sort the living things

Click here for more information, videos and games.

The autonomous communities of Spain and their provinces

Spain is our country. Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities. Spain has a monarch and a constitution.
                                                                                                                             Source: Social Sciences 2. Oxford University 

These games will help you learn about the Autononous Communities!
Spain : Autonomous Communities - Map Quiz Game
Autonomous communities of Spain - Puzzle
Autonomous communities of Spain What's its name?
Autonomous communities of Spain - Where is this community?

Would you like to learn more about Spain? Take a look at:

Sunday 6 March 2016

Mujer gigante y Parque Europa

Next Wednesday we are going on a school trip to Torrejón de Ardoz, where we will visit a giant woman and many of the main European monuments.

Would you like to take a look?

La Mujer Gigante

Parque Europa
Learn more about European monuments here!
You can download many activities about the European Union here or play these interactive games.

Get ready for Wednesday!

Monday 22 February 2016

Parts of a flower and pollination

We all love flowers! They look beautiful, but have you ever wondered what they have inside? Take a look!

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Atmosphere: Air and layers

Do you know that the air around the Earth is a mixture of different gases? Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide and others form the ATMOSPHERE, which has different layers. Take a look!

Sunday 17 January 2016

Weather and climate

Is there a difference between weather and climate? Yes! Take a look at the following videos!

 Can we now what the weather is going to be like tomorrow? Learn about the weather forecast.


Clic here to check the weather report for Madrid! Or click here if you want to know the weather forecast for Spain!

Now you are ready for a story and some games to check your knowledge:

Weather words: find the pairs

Weather words: burst the balloon

Weather words: hangman

The world weather game

What's the weather like today?

Tomorrow it is going to be cold and sunny, so remember to bring your coats! Good night!