
The contents on this blog are intended solely for educational and not-for-profit purposes within my classes. Every effort is made to attribut anything that is reproduced or quoted in the blog to its original source and provide links wherever possible.

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Friday 7 November 2014

Look after your body systems

To be healty we need to eat a varied and balanced diet, do exercise and have healthy habits.

Look after your digestive system:
  1. Don't eat more food than you need.
  2. Eat food with lots of fibre.
  3. Don't eat too many sweets.
  4. Wash fruit before you eat it.
  5. Don't drink fizzy drinks. Drink lots of water.
  6. Don't eat too quickly.
  7. Brush your teeth after meals.

Look after your respiratory and circulatory systems:
  1. Air your room.
  2. Do exercise in the fresh air.
  3. Don't walk or sit round-shouldered.
  4. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth.
  5. Wear warm clothes when it is cold.
  6. Don't eat too many fats and sugars.
  7. Don't go into places that have lots of cigarette smoke.

Look after your locomotor system:

  1. Wear a helmet and protect your elbows when you ride a bike.
  2. Strech before and after you do exercise.
  3. Don't sit or stand badly.
  4. Eat food with lots of calcium.
  5. Don't do the wrong sports for your age.
  6. Don't carry heavy weights.

Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España

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