
The contents on this blog are intended solely for educational and not-for-profit purposes within my classes. Every effort is made to attribut anything that is reproduced or quoted in the blog to its original source and provide links wherever possible.

Any thoughts, opinions and/or statements are those solely of the author and its contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Santo Domingo Bilingual School.


Thursday 18 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

It is Christmas! A great holiday time to enjoy with your family and friends. Here you can find lots of ideas to have fun and practice your English!

You can  WATCH this FILM!

You can LISTEN to these SHORT STORIES:
My favourite day

Last year we had lots of fun dancing this Christmas carol. You can DANCE it too!

LISTEN TO and SING these Christmas songs!

You can also PLAY these amazing GAMES!
 Whose present

And READ these E-BOOKS on Oxford Owl:

Remember you have PLENTY of books available in http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

1) Click on "My class login"

2) Write our username and password:
Username: gummy bears
Password: santodomingo

3) Choose your book and enjoy!

Thursday 11 December 2014

I can do it!

We can do lots of things! 

For example, you can listen to this song!

And you can play a game! Good luck!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Plants: their parts and adaptation

Take a look at these videos about the different parts of plants and their functions. They are amazing!

Do you know that plants adapt to their environment? Check it out in the next video!

Plants are great!

Saturday 6 December 2014

We know more about plants!

These days we are learning lots of things about plants.

There are different TYPES of plants, depending on its type of stem:
                                                                                 Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
New plants grow in this way:
   1. A seed falls on the ground.
   2. A tiny root and a tiny stem grow.
   3. The roots and the stem grow bigger.
   4. The first leaves start to grow.
   5. The tree is big and has flowers.
   6. The flowers die and the fruits grow.
                                                                                  Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
  You can watch this process here:

...and look at these amazing flowers!

We eat different parts of plants:
                                                                                  Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España

 Enjoy your fruits and vegetables!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

In, on, under...

Where are you?

I am sitting on my chair, in front of my computer, behind my desk, in my house!

Monday 1 December 2014

It's reading time!

We are learning a lot about plants. Why don't you enjoy these wonderful stories?
Log in Oxford Owl and find them!

Remember you have PLENTY of books available in http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

1) Click on "My class login"

2) Write our username and password:
Username: gummy bears
Password: santodomingo

3) Choose your book and enjoy!

Tuesday 25 November 2014


- What is a plant?
- A plant is a living thing.

- What does a plant need to grow?
- A plant needs sunlight, air, water and nutrients from the soil to grow well.

- What is the job of the different parts of plants?
- Roots take up water and nutrients from the soil. They also keep the plant steady and upright in the soil.
The stem carries water and nutrients to different parts of the plant.
The leaves make food by using light from the sun, along with carbon dioxide from the air and water. This process is called photosynthesis.
                                                                                  Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España

If you want to know more about plants, here is a little STORY!

Here you can play some GAMES related to plants!
Grow a plant

Plant parts

Vegetable garden

Monday 24 November 2014

Christmas dance!

It is almost December and it is time to start thinking of our Christmas festival...

Here are some songs we could dance. Please vote for your favourite!

1960s - 1970s songs:

2B class selection:

Some more ideas:

Learn about Luke!

Three weeks ago we met our new language assistant, Luke, who has come all the way from South Africa!
Here is a message for you:

"Hey class,
It was really great meeting you all the other day and I look forward to working with you for the rest of the school year.
I'm Luke as I'm sure you all know by now and I'm from Durban, South Africa where I live with my family. We have a big garden, two cats and lots of wildlife. For me there is no place on Earth that compares to my home in South Africa. Hope you all enjoy the pictures I've shared. Luke"

Welcome, Luke, we are very happy to have you in our class!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

More about Michael!

Hello Gummy Bears!

Here are some pictures and videos to get to know me and my homeland a little better.

This is a picture of me at the Grand Canyon. It is the largest canyon in the world. In some places it is nearly 2000m deep! Wow! For more information on the Grand Canyon, click here.

New Mexico has a very large Native American population. They have a really interesting culture. Some of the oldest cities in the United States are in New Mexico. The picture is of Taos Pueblo where Native Americans still live! The video is some of their traditional dances.

This is  the New Mexico state flag. Notice how it has the same colors as Spain's flag. It was actually part of Spain many many years ago. The sun in the middle is a Native American symbol called the Zia Symbol. It contains a lot of information for one tiny symbol.

I am from Albuquerque and it has the biggest hot air balloon festival in the world. It is called The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Watch the video to see how awesome it is!

If you have any questions or want to know more, ask me in class!!


P.S. Here you can see Albuquerque on a world map. It is very far from Madrid!

Monday 10 November 2014

Protect, don't infect!

We get ill when a part of our body is not functioning well. A high temperature, cough or pain are SYMPTOMS that we are ill.

Watch this movie about how you can be a PDI agent! Spread the word, not the germs!

- Wash your hands often.
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
- Stay home if you are ill.

In this way you will protect yourself and others from germs!

Sunday 9 November 2014

Competition questions!

Train yourself to be the best at the class contest! Practice these questions every day at home to win more points!

Good luck! :D