
The contents on this blog are intended solely for educational and not-for-profit purposes within my classes. Every effort is made to attribut anything that is reproduced or quoted in the blog to its original source and provide links wherever possible.

Any thoughts, opinions and/or statements are those solely of the author and its contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Santo Domingo Bilingual School.


Saturday 28 November 2015

The world around you!

Our world is fascinating! We are now learning awesome things about our planet Earth. Take a look at the videos below!

Learn about the cardinal points and how to read a map:

Learn about the 7 continents:

Ready for some music? Listen to the continents song, it will help you remember their names easily!

Play the next GAMES and enjoy!

The Earth

Would you like to learn more about Geography? Play these games with your parents or older siblings!

More resources here:
Interactive map maker
National Geographic: Kids world atlas 

Have fun!


For over 25 years, MUZZY has been introducing millions of children world-wide to a second language. Now you can enjoy his adventures at home!
Muzzy in Gondoland:
Part 1:
Part 2: 
Part 3:
Part 4: 
Part 5:
Part 6:

Muzzy comes back:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

Do you know there is a new version of your favourite cartoon? Take a look!

Saturday 20 June 2015

Happy summer holidays!

We have worked a lot this school year... It is time to rest! Enjoy your 
summer break and have a fantastic time with your familly and 
What do you prefer, the swimming pool or the sea side? The city or
the village? Leave your comments below and keep in touch. I will
miss you! 
Feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you are doing during 
your summer holidays, I will write back!  
I love you all! You are great! =D

Thursday 18 June 2015

Breathe in, breathe out...

Do you get really angry some times? What do you do then?
Just breathe... ;)

Wednesday 10 June 2015


Fuente: http://www.trinitycollege.com/

Estimadas familias con alumnos en Segundo de Primaria:
La próxima semana tendrá lugar la prueba para la que nos hemos estado preparando a lo largo de este curso, como está previsto en el programa bilingüe de la Comunidad de Madrid. Por favor, tened en cuenta la siguiente información:
Representante del Trinity College LondonMrs Heather Young
Fecha: jueves 18 de junio.
Horario: de 9:00 a 15:30*
– Es obligatoria la presentación a la prueba, si algún niño no pudiera asistir, es requisito indispensable presentar justificante oficial para que se le realice en otra fecha.
* Debido al horario estipulado, algunos alumnos deberán permanecer en el Centro después de la hora de salida habitual. En los próximos días nos pondremos en contacto con esas familias personalmente.

Es importante que trabajéis con las hojas de preguntas y respuestas entregadas antes de las vacaciones de Semana Santa los temas del Grado 2 o Grado 3, respectivamente, simulando una conversación natural y respondiendo con oraciones completas. 

En el apartado del blog llamado "Trinity questions" (podéis acceder pinchando en "Labels"> "Trinity questions") encontraréis las entradas que hemos trabajado a lo largo del año dedicadas exclusivamente al Trinity. En los enlaces ("Links") que aparecen en la barra lateral derecha, también podéis ver vídeos y encontrar enlaces útiles con más recursos e información sobre esta prueba.

Os agradecemos vuestra colaboración e implicación.

Un cordial saludo,

El equipo de bilingüismo

Monday 18 May 2015

Art attack!

Next Friday we will visit a very special place in Madrid: El Museo del Prado.
It is the main Spanish national art museum, located in the city centre. It contains one of the world's finest collections of Eurpean art, dating from the 12th to the 19th century. El Prado is one of the most visited sites in the world and it is considered on of the greatest museums of art in the world.                                                          Source: Wikipedia
Take a look by clicking on this link: Audioguías Infantiles Museo del Prado
We will find lots of surprises in the Museum! Don't miss it!

In the meanwhile, why don't you create some masterpieces yourself? They may end up in a Museum!
Make a Dragon puppet!
Design a Pirate Map!
Look for much more creative ideas on the Art attack website! *Thanks Unai for the suggestion!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Means of communication

We communicate all the time. When we read, write, speak, watch TV, use the computer or move our bodies, we communicate ideas and feelings.
                                                                                                      Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
We use different means of communication for contacting other people, finding information, having fun or learning.
                                                                                                         Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Interpersonal communication happens between two people:
Collective communication means that lots of people receive information at the same time.
I am sure you have heard a lot about the internet. The internet is a network of millions of computers connected to each other. Watch this video to learn more about it!
It contains a lot of information, but we need to use it properly. We find information on the internet using a search engine.
                                                                                                 Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
It is very important that children always use the internet under their parents supervision because it can be dangerous. Remember these rules!
Are you ready for some games? Have fun!
Label the words
What are they doing?
Learning to use the internet

Thursday 14 May 2015

Means of transport

We have learned a lot about means of transport:
There are road vehicles and trains that travel on land.
Some of them move on roads and motorways,
 but trains move on railway lines. You can get a train at the train station.
Ships and boats sail on seas, oceans, lakes and rivers.
You can get on a ship at the port. Some ships also carry goods. Others are used for catching fish.
If we go to the airport, we can take a plane and travel by air. This is the fastest mode of transport.
We use means of transport to carry passangers and goods. However, some vehicles, planes and boats have special uses:
                                                                                                         Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Would you like to know more? Watch the next video!
And now that you are an expert on means of transport... try these games!
Interactive board game
Transport memory game
Spelling game
Guess the mistery word
Balloon burst
All about trains!
Spin the coin!
How do you come to school? I take the underground every day, as I haven't got a car.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Word of the day: Symmetry!

In our Arts and Crafts class we have been working on buildings that are symmetric, that is, that they look the same on both sides. 

This photo of the Taj Mahal in India demonstrates the beautiful symmetry architects and engineers used to create an aesthetically pleasing building. (Taken from this blog).

But not only buildings can be symmetric. Watch the next videos and listen to the song to learn more about symmetry!
Not all the buildings are symmetric, though. In contemporary architecture, assymetry is considered beautiful too! Take a look at the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao by the architect Frank O'Gehry.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Are you ready for some MAGIC?

Zack King is an animator that creates really amazing videos that look like magic! He knows a lot about special effects and camera tricks. I would love to read what you think about them!
These are the reactions of other kids to Zach's videos:
Do you want to know more? Meet Zack King!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

City or town?

I live in Madrid. Madrid is a city. A city has got more inhabitants than a town. The buildings are taller, and the streets are longer and wider. There is a lot of entertainment but also a lot of traffic and noise. You need to use a bus, the underground or a car to go to different places of the city. 
There are plenty of things to do in a city! Take a look at these videos!
A town is smaller than a city. There are few big shops and many people know each other. There is not much noise and the buildings are lower than in a city.
A city can be inland, like Madrid, or by the sea, like Barcelona. Some towns are on a plain, like Zamora, and other towns are in the mountains, like Albarracín.

Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Where do YOU live? Is it a city or a town? Where do your grandparents live? Is it near Madrid?

Friday 27 March 2015


We have been practising a lot of questions and answers in class with Michael and Luke. Now it is the time to prove yourself. Can you do better than the girls on the videos? 
We will hold a competition after our Easter break! Get ready!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

See you at the movies!

Today was a very special day at school for 1st and 2nd grade. In the morning, we turned our classrooms into a cinema. Everything was there: the film posters, the seat numbers, the screen, the projector, the loudspeakers, the tickets, the trailers... even the popcorn cones! We worked a lot to earn some play money so we could pay the ticket price at the box-office: 1,45€.

After lunch, when everybody had bought a ticket, we got some popcorn and enjoyed the movies!
I can't wait to have more fun tomorrow! Who is your favourite movie character?
Source: Disney Pixar
Enjoy these games:
101 Dalmatians: Match and dash
Dory's memory game
Iridessa's Firefly Fun
Cars 2 - Mater's Memory Game
Toy Story of TERROR! - Creepy Crawl Space

Much more games with your favourite Disney characters here: Disney online games or Disney games by character

Have your parents ever booked your tickets online? Read about this film and imagine you are going to watch it... what day and time would you prefer?
Source: UGC Cinema Glasgow

Thursday 19 March 2015

Solar Eclipse!

Tomorrow is the first day of spring, and it will be very special.
Remember not to look directly to the Sun, it can damage your eyes!

Monday 16 March 2015

Saint Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day or the feast of Saint Patrick is celebrated on March 17th every year in honor of the anniversary of his death in 460 AD. St. Patrick was a patron of Ireland and devoted his himself to the christian religion. 

There are many symbols that represent this festive holiday and one is the Shamrock, the official flower of Ireland. St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the holy trinity to the Irish and legend says that if you fund a four leaf clover on Saint Patrick's Day it will bring you luck. Each of the four leaves of the lucky clover represent hope, faith, love and luck! 

There are other popular symbols too: Leprechaun, Pot of Gold, rainbows, the harp and the color green. There are many countries in the world that celebrate St. Patrick's Day with parades, parties, dancing, drinking green colored beverages, eating corn beef and cabbage and many people wear green clothing, hats and shammrock pins to avoid being pinched. Don't forget to wear green on this Irish holiday!

Do you want to know Saint Patrick's story? Watch the next video:
Learn more with this Irish song!
Would you like to make a shamrock?
You can have fun playing these games: Find the pairs and Saint Patrick's sliding puzzles
Tomorrow is Saint Patrick's Day, remember to wear something green, or you will be pinched!

Sunday 15 March 2015

It's reading time!

Do you want to take a look at Winnie's house? There, EVERYTHING is black! And it can be a problem, sometimes... Log in Oxford Owl and read her story!

Remember you have PLENTY of books available in http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

1) Click on "My class login"

2) Write our username and password:
Username: gummy bears
Password: santodomingo

3) Choose your book and enjoy!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Inside my house!

Do you live in a house or in a flat?
Houses have a lot of rooms inside. Take a look!

But not all the houses are the same... some of them are HAUNTED! Watch this SHORT STORY and play this GAME... if you dare!

Here are more games for you to practice and have fun:

Do you remember Goldilocks? She goes into a strange house... Watch her story here and sing the GOLDILOCKS SONG!

It is getting late, I need to go to the dining room and have dinner! See you tomorrow!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Landforms of the Earth!

Get to know more of our planet!

Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España

Watch this video for more information:

Learn more about landforms here!

Most of the Earth is covered by water. Some of it is fresh, but MOST of it is salt water, located on seas and oceans.

How much water on the planet is fresh? Learn with this GAME!

More games here!
Water safari: Mangroves

Have fun!

Monday 23 February 2015

Day and night

Have you ever wondered why there is day and night? Take a look at this video!
Click on the next links for more information and games!
The Earth and beyond
Earth, Sun and moon
Day and night

 Day and night are caused by the spinning of the Earth:

 The seasons are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun:
Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Good night!

Monday 2 February 2015

Animal habitats

Different animals live in different habitats. Some of their habitats are very hot. Others are very cold. Some have lots of plants, or very few.
Animals adapt to their habitats. Watch this video and learn how!
Most land animals and plants live in rainforests:
 Few animals live in deserts. The weather there is very hot during the day and very cold at night time.
 Few animals live also in polar regions. It is so cold...brrrrrr...there is snow and ice everywhere!
 Many animals and plants live in forests. They can be cold and rainy or warm and dry.
Source: Social and Natural Sciences 2. Oxford University Press España
Use these games to practice!

Saturday 31 January 2015


Sometimes people are lost and we can help!
First we need to know about left and right!
You can practice with this SONG!
And play this adictive game:
Now you are ready to dance the HOKEY POKEY!
Watch this STORY about a hidden treasure:

Now look at the map: How do you get from the library to the fire station?
- First go out of the library and turn right.
- Then go straight on and turn left. Go past the school.
- After that turn right. Go past the police station.
- Then turn right again.
- The fire station is opposite the hospital, next to the post office.
Already an expert? Train your skills with directions and play these GAMES!